Preview: Thursday 19 November 2009, 6-9pm Gallery Open: 20 Nov – 6 Dec 2009, Thurs–Sun, 12-6pm (or by appointment), Motorcade/FlashParade, BV Studios, Philip Street, Bristol, BS3 4DR
Motorcade/FlashParade presents VICE VERSA a group show culminating from a series of exchanges between eleven artists from Bristol, UK and Groningen, Holland.
Over the course of a year exchange visits have been made to share working practices, debate and conversation, with collaborative group shows in each city. In November Bristol will host VICE VERSA alongside a dynamic programme of workshops, talks and a public seminar. The seminar, to be held at the Spike Island Associates Space, will address associated values of swapping or replacing, giving and receiving, and the sharing of knowledge or experience to produce change. Discussions and debate will explore the practical experience of exchange between artists from different countries, why we choose to create these relationships and what impact they can have on our practice.
VICE VERSA includes new work made specifically for the Motorcade/FlashParade gallery. The artists work with a range of media, strategies and tactics including photography, painting, performance, appropriation and installation. Site specificity is confronted and reflected through recycled and manipulated local natural materials whilst other works reinterpret the gallery context, creating a sense of encounter and dissonance. The persistent interest in materials oscillates between seductive beauty and a disquieting fascination.
VICE VERSA concludes a year’s exploration of exchange in which collaboration and individuality have played important parts. The conversations begun in the gallery may be continued and debated long after the public seminar finishes.
Associated events: VICE VERSA Public Seminar, 21 November 2009, Saturday 10.30am – 4.00pm, Spike Island Associates Space, 133 Cumberland Road, Bristol, BS1 6UX
Further information on the project and details on booking for events available at or tel: Tamany on 07973 690041
VICE VERSA is supported by several organisations including the Arts Council Southwest, Kunstraad Groningen, Alias Arts, Spike Island Associates, UWE and Land2.
We welcome comments on our work and on the theme of exchange.
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